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Polperro Primary Academy   Talland's Class Blog 26.4.24

Posted 26/04/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley

Talland's Class Blog 26.4.24

Week two came and went in the blink of an eye!

There's been an abundance of sport, jelly making, science investigations, instruction writing and much more...

Year 4 have been finding out about how to write fractions and decimals and hundredths. Some children have been thinking about how that can link to percentages too.
Year 5 have continued to measure angles and perimeter in shapes. They're very handy with a protractor now!

We have finished writing our instructions about 'How to make Jelly'. We have followed the instructions and made our own jelly. The children are now planning how to make instructions for a 'Gruesome Smoothie'. I'm looking forward to getting outside and finding our ingredients next week!

Talland have explored a range of activities to play in an outdoor environment and we've been practicing how to return the shuttlecock in badminton. Some children challenged themselves to catch their opponent out and return the shuttlecock to a space on the court where the partner wasn't to help them win a point.

We have looked at and experimented on jelly - how does it change its state of matter? Why not ask your child how the jelly changes when heated and then cooled...
We also began thinking about our experiment for next week - What is the best material to wrap a cup in to keep drinks warmer for longer? The material and the ice cubes are already waiting...

This topic is linking nicely to Science this term. After we have our results for the experiment, Talland will be creating an excel spread sheet to gather data. We will then transfer the data to a graph, which will show help to show our results in a pictorial manner.

A huge well done to Nuala this week for being noticed for excellent behaviour and trying her best in lessons. 

Exciting News:
School trip information coming Monday... I'm personally looking forward to the 10th May. I think all of Talland will be once we find out where we are going!

That's it from Talland this week. We hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge. 


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 26/04/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 2 

The children have had a wonderful second week of amazing learning!

In English this week the children started to explore the story of Mr Gumpy’s Outing. WE read the story and went on a little outing around school to see what we could see. We practiced the story lots by using our story map and we made up actions to remember it . We then worked as team to sequence the story- Miss Hughes tried and got it all wrong! BUT luckily the children helped her to sequence the story correctly! The year 1’s then sequenced it in their books and thought of fantastic time conjunctions to write alongside the pictures. The Foundation children also sequenced the story and they wrote key words next to the pictures to show their understanding! The year 1 children have also been writing sentences from the story using conjunction ‘and’.

In maths the year 1 children have spent this week exploring mass and volume , they have used bucket scales and they have been using ambitious vocabulary such as  balance, mass, heavier, lighter. They have found out the mass of objects in cubes and also compared the mass of different objects.

The Foundation children have been exploring the composition of 10 , they have continued to use their number bond to 10 knowledge to help them explore the number 10 in detail.

In PE the children have continued to explore throwing with our coach Ryan and have enjoyed building skills to play quick cricket.

IN PSHE the children are all exploring relationships, this week we had lots of great discussion about what makes a caring friend. The children in this class are so thoughtful and kind and really contributed well with this lesson.

IN Geography the year 1’s have been exploring physical features of Looe! Yesterday they explored a map of Looe and worked well to identify physical features , they then looked at a picture of Looe and showed their knowledge by labeling all the physical features they could see!

The foundation children have been building Looe out of Lego, riding the balance bikes around a chalked Looe track, drawing their favourite things they like to do in Looe and so much more!

On Tuesday we celebrated St Georges day and all of our activities were based around St George . The children loved exploring the story and a great discussion happened about whether we think St George really killed a dragon or whether he was known for being  a great person that protected his village!

What a wonderful week

Have a lovely weekend

Foundation /year 1 team. 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 26/04/2024
by Sara Mckillop

Homework - due 3.5.24

Click here:


Polperro Primary Academy   Friday 26th April 2024

Posted 26/04/2024
by Alice Gibbings

Wow the second week is over already! 

This week we have continued looking into our enquiry question in Geography, by using atlas' to explore the settlements of the UK. We learnt what the difference is between a village, town and city and located cities on maps of the UK. As Historians, we have thought about how we can learn about the past and what it means to be an explorer. We also recognised the difference between primary and secondary sources. Can you remember the difference? Can you think of any examples? We explored the artwork of Michelangelo in Art and had a go at experimenting to create different shades of colours. Finally, during our Science lesson this week we investigated how magnets interact with different materials; do they repel or attract?

In English, we have continued to look at biographies and read about the lives of Amelia Earhart and Mary Anning in a brilliant book called Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World. We learnt how to use commas when listing items and applied this when writing sentences. Next week, we will hope to write our own biographies about people who have campaigned for something important.

In Maths, we are coming towards to the end of our unit on Shape, which all the children have been working so hard on. Y2 have been able to count the faces, edges and vertices on 3-D shapes. Y3 have been revising their knowledge of 2-D and 3-D shapes, as well as making 3-D shapes using multilink cubes.

Congratulations to Isabelle for being Landaviddy's Person of the Week. And a big well done to Heidi for achieving her 88 club badge! 

Class Trip
Everyone has been sent home with a letter for our class trip to the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth on Thursday 9th May 2024. Please be sure to pay your contribution and return your permission slips as soon as you can. Thank you.

Please see attached the Knowledge Web, KIRFS and Homework Grid for this half term. Of course, should you have any questions please do let me know.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you next week. 

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Mrs Cullingford


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 26/04/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 26.4.24

On Thursday, we visited Saltash library for an exciting Live Lesson from the aquarium. We enjoyed seeing and learning about the different marine life and loved the fun facts shared!

We also took a look at the books in the library - lots of the children would love their library cards, so please do pay them a visit! You can even apply online and reserve your favourite books! 

More photos below!


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 26/04/2024
by Cathrine Pittas

This week Year 4 have been fulfilling the PE curriculum by taking swimming lessons. They have had an amazing time each afternoon.

They have shown great determination and resilience as they have all endeavoured to improve themselves. It has been fantastic to see so many children progress and everyone can be pleased and proud of themselves.

It was so good to see parents come to our sporting event last Friday.  Thank you so much for the continued support you have for the children.  So many of the children have said how much they appreciated doing sports they had never tried before. 

Have a well-earned rest over the weekend everyone.

Miss Pittas


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 26/04/2024
by Emily Randle

What a busy week we've had in Chaipel Class! The week got off to a flying start with an assembly about our Bridge School value (being Excellent). During this assembly, we branched off into our House Teams and discussed what being excellent looks like at Polperro School. We then came back together as a school and shared some of our ideas with each other. Three of our Y6 pupils (Lily, Bayley and Wyatt) demonstrated 'being excellent' by recieving certificates from the Fowey Young Writers Competition. Bayley was Highly Commended and both Lily and Wyatt were Commended for their tremendous efforts on their poems about the D-Day landings.

In English, we have begun to write our explanation text on the seven life processes (Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion and Nutrition).  In PE, we have started to learn what it takes to be an expert at badminton and amazing at orienteering. - ROSIE GRACE

Also this week, our class have picked out our new reading books. They are a range of very interesting texts which we can all enjoy as they are organised so that we can read and comprehend them independently. After we have finished our books, each pupil in Chaipel will do a book review and a persuasive leaflet, explaining why reading for 5 minutes a day is good for our wellbeing! In Computing, we are learning all about algorithms and for Art we have been looking at colour schemes for our tie-dye project! - DAISY R

Our new enquiry has got off to a great start and this week, we have learnt about the reproduction process in a range of living things, moving onto comparing the life cycles of certain animals.

In our Celebration assembly, Jack C got person of the week for being an excellent learning partner to his freinds. In 99 Club we have a big 'well done' for Lily R for achieving her Bronze club (100 arithmetic questions in 4 mins). 

Your child has come home today with a letter about Chaipel's    tie-dying art project. If you could let Miss Randle know whether you are providing a white T-shirt or would like the school to purchase one no later than next week so that we can get the materials we need to make a start!  - JACK

Attached below, is the KIRFs, homework grid and Knowledge Web for this half term.

Have a lovely weekend,



St Cleer Primary Academy   Summer 1 Week 2

Posted 26/04/2024
by Jacob Lewis


St Cleer Primary Academy   A week for adventure and learning experiences...

Posted 26/04/2024
by Michele Spencer


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Summer 1, Week 2

Posted 26/04/2024
by Chris Wathern

It's been a very busy week here at WPA. Here are some of the highlights.

Eco Council

Our fantastic Eco Council led Monday's assembly marking Earth Day. They challenged everyone to play their part in making the school and Wadebridge litter free.

Fowey Festival

Congratulations to all children who entered the Fowey Festival competition recently. In our assembly we proudly presented certificates to children who were recognised by the judges.

FOWPA (Friends of Wadebridge Primary Academy)

I really enjoyed meeting with some of the committee members and hear about the fundraising and social events planned for the rest of the year. We’re really lucky to have such a dedicated team supporting our school community, whether through organising events or obtaining grants to help all our children at school.

Upcoming events:

Thursday 16th and Friday 17th May (after school) - Uniform Sale

Wednesday 22nd May - School Disco

14:15-15:00 Reception - Year 3
15:15-16:00 Year 4 - Year 6

Friday 28th June - Quiz Night at Wadebridge Town Hall (TBC)

Further details about these events will be sent out shortly.


We were really grateful to the RNLI for their visit to speak with KS2 on Wednesday. The children were given a detailed explanation of the different flags they will come across at the beach. It was wonderful to see how well-informed they already were, but a little reminder never hurts. Two eager volunteers were selected to dress up as lifeguards; they really looked the part. Everyone was really attentive and showed great respect for the important messages shared.

Football Success

We are so proud of our Year 5 and 6 football team who competed on Tuesday. Despite not playing that many matches as a team, they showed great teamwork throughout the five rounds, winning the first four games without conceding a goal. What a fantastic achievement! Although we came runners up in the end, every player gave their all on the field. Thank you to the team for representing our school with such dedication and upholding our values.

Welcome Coffee Morning/Afternoon

You are warmly invited to come along to one of my welcome coffee mornings/afternoons in the school hall. I’ll share a bit about myself and the focus for the term. If you’re not able to come, I'm often around on the gate in the mornings should you want a chat. I will also be sharing the slides by email following the sessions.

There's no need to sign up, but if you can possibly attend the session according to your child's year group, that would help with numbers. If that isn't possible, please do still come along. If you have children across the school, you only need to come along once as the content will be the same in each session.


Thursday 9th May 08:45-09:30 
Thursday 9th May 14:15-15:00


Tuesday 7th May 14:30-15:15
Friday 10th May 08:45-09:30

I’m hoping we can run regular coffee mornings throughout the school year. Not only might these be an opportunity to meet up with other parents and members of staff, we could also offer various workshops based on your feedback.


Please look out for the email today with dates for the rest of the term. If there are any updates, we will let you know as soon as possible. Key dates can also be found on our website under ‘Events Diary’.

Have a great weekend.

Chris Wathern


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 26/04/2024
by Suzanne Cooper

Three new Cafes for Brunel families

The KIRFs Cafe will be held at the start of each new half term. Thank you to those parents and children who have come along so far, we hope you found it useful.
What are KIRFs?
KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) are pieces of mathematical knowledge that we want the children to learn off-by-heart or be able to work out very quickly (within 3 seconds).
They are designed to support the development of the mental skills that underpin mathematics.
They are particularly useful when calculating, be it adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing and include facts such as number bonds, counting on, back, times tables, equivalence of units of measure, and square numbers.
Each year group is allocated key facts to focus on throughout the year, in line with age related expectations. These should be practised for rapid recall.Check out the website and class blogs for the newest KIRFs each half term.
Reading Cafe (monthly) Parents, children and siblings are invited in on the following dates to share stories, recommendations and chat about books along with Miss Pentreath and our Reading Pioneers. Tuesday 23rd April- Year R, 1 and 2 Tuesday 14th May-Year 3 and 4.Tuesday 18th June-Year 5 and 6.
At the first of the Parents Cafes, held last week, we welcomed Matt Wilmott, Autism Advisor from the Cornwall Autism Team, to talk about Autism and effective adaptations which can be made both within school and at home. Parents and Carers had the chance to network with other parents, ask questions and look at some of the resources we use to support neurodivergent children

We look forward to welcoming you at cafe events in the future and welcome suggestions for topics.


Polperro Primary Academy   26/4/24

Posted 26/04/2024
by Julie Peat

This week at nursery we have been continuing to look at planting and growing. The children have been planting beans in the hope that they can grow a beanstalk like in the story and coloured a giant's castle to go in the pot with it.
They have all been busy with arts and craft and have been creating handprint flowers and carrots in the paint.
The children have practiced writing their names in order to create a name flower.
We have enjoyed some nice weather this week and have spent lots of time outside, especially in the sand and water trays.

At story time, we have been reading the story of "The runaway pea". The children have also planted their own peas and we will watch as they grow here in nursery beofre they take them home.

In maths this week, we have been naming and ordering numbers. The children have been identifying smaller numbers up to 5 and bigger numbers up to 10 and beyond for some.

In phonics this week, we have looked at "shopping" and the children have enjoyed playing games such as Robot Rick's shopping trip where they had to blend sounds into short words. We have talked about and identified sounds in our nursery environment both indoors and out and have been identifying inital sounds in words.

Have a lovely weekend

Julie and Sarah


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Working Hard!

Posted 26/04/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Wonderful Tregantle

What a hard-working week we’ve had! Our Year 1 children have been writing the class version of the story Christopher Nibble. We have changed the character to Fluffy Nibble and the place to ‘Carrotville!’ They have worked so hard to increase their stamina for writing. In maths the children have a new tuft tray with a weekly maths challenge. This week they have been showing their knowledge of doubling and halving. The EYFS children have been exploring in the garden this week. The BFA have kindly bought us some new resources for our mud kitchen which we have enjoyed using. We have seen some wonderful writing this week; all of the hard work in phonics is paying off as we can see from the wonderful ‘have a go’ writing! We all enjoyed another music lesson from the specialist music teacher Mrs Butlin this week. We worked on creating rhythms and identifying loud and soft, fast and slow music.


Looe Primary Academy   Week 2

Posted 26/04/2024
by Jasmine Bolger

Week 2 

Year 1 have been very busy in the last couple of weeks! Last Friday we had an alternative sports day at school. We took part in activities such as Segway, athletics, fencing, archery, football and more! The children absolutely loved it and it was brilliant to see them trying new things and giving it their all.

We have been designing our rockets in computing ready for when we make our own. We have been using sketchpad to do this and we have talked about the importance of saving our work. We also talked about why it is really important to save our work in the right place so that we can find it again. We are really looking forward to our designs coming to life in a few weeks time!
In English, we have started our new learning journey based around the book ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing.’ To launch our English learning journey we went on our own outing around the school to see what we might find.
In maths, our unit is all about length and height. We investigated the question ' do taller people have bigger feet?' We really enjoyed measuring our feet and sharing our findings.

It has been a great week here in Year 1.

As always any questions do not hesitate to contact. 

Miss Bolger 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 26.04.24

Posted 26/04/2024
by Helen King

We are growing...

We learnt some more about plants.  We looked at the stages of growth and then we acted out the parts.  Can you spot the different parts of plants growth?

In English, we wrote out class version of the 'Christopher Nibble' story - ours was called 'Rosie Nibble'.  Perhaps you could ask your child about the story they wrote.

Music to our ears...

This week in music, Mrs Butlin taught the class how to write musical notes - Quavers and Crotchets (quick and slow notes).

DT - We have been investigating how wheels and axels work before we design our tractors...


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 26/04/2024
by Paula Reeve

Summer 1 - Week 2 - Algebra, check!

Congratulations to Finlay for coming 1st place in Fowey Festival's KS2 Poetry writing competition! Another well done to the Year 6 boys that represented Wadebridge Primary this week in a football tournament; taking home the 2nd place medal. We were visited by the RNLI on Wednesday. They reminded us of the importance of staying safe at the beach and what to do if we got into trouble in the water. 

Over the past couple of weeks, the children have been learning how to incorporate a variety of writing skills into their writing. Some of these skills include descriptive writing, imagery, figurative language, building tension, creating atmosphere and micro-expressions. We have been using the animated video Alma as a stimulus for writing and the children have seemed to really enjoy the genre of this story. We have been very impressed with their writing so far. Next week, they’re putting all the skills together to independently write a narrative.

We’ve been tackling algebra this week and, although many of us felt unsure at the start of the week, the children have grown in confidence. They have demonstrated that they can form algebraic expressions and equations and have solved both 1 and 2-step equations!

We have continued with our Greek Gods and Goddesses collages and the children are producing some colourful, creative pieces of work.

We have started cutting and constructing the frames for our automata toys. The children have also worked in pairs to come up with a design.

Please keep encouraging your children to work through the CGP books which were sent home before Easter. If you haven’t already, please ensure your children’s form for the residential trip is handed back into school next week.

Enjoy you weekend.

Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 26/04/2024
by Sorrel Beckett

Summer Term 1 - Week 2 - Life is a cycle of ends and starts!


At the start of the week, the children learnt about ‘Triggers’ for flash backs. Using the video as a stimulus, they created a transition that would lead them into a flash back about the old man’s time at war. Within the trigger, the children were encouraged to use a range of descriptive language devices in order to expand their sentences. Emphasis was placed on their final sentence which would set them up for writing their flash back on Tuesday.

Next, the children wrote a detailed flash back, recalling the time where the man had lost his friend in battle. We focused on emotive writing, detailing how the old man would have felt and what he would’ve been thinking at the time.

On Wednesday, the children then looked at a different part of the video; honing in on his wife. They used similes and metaphors to describe her…

“His wife was the two pillars that held him up in his time of need” – Seb

Finally, on Thursday, the children then wrote a recount of the day the old man met his wife. The romance that poured out in their writing made us well up, they were truly beautiful across the whole cohort. The level of sophistication in their vocabulary choices were outstanding!


On Monday, we looked at a Year 6 arithmetic paper – The children had the opportunity to have a go at the different questions that could arise and made links to our pre-teaches in morning work. We marked them as a whole class and discussed misconceptions or specific questions they found tricky.

For the rest of the week, we continued our angles and shape learning journey. The children looked at classifying angles, measuring angles, angles around a point and angles on a straight line. The children will then have the opportunity on Monday to draw angles, where we will tape the tables and the children can really immerse themselves in the process.

In morning work, we have continued to go over our level 1, 2 & 3 fractions. Please do ask your children about these and continue to develop skills and knowledge at home!

Wider Curriculum

In Wider Curriculum, it was all about Science!

On Monday, the children investigated different species and their life cycles. The children were broken down into four different groups: Amphibians, Reptiles, Insects, Birds. Each group then created an information leaflet about their species. They worked together to collate facts, diagrams, stages of life cycle, titles etc. Once their booklet was complete, we shared information and findings. From here, the children then wrote about the similarities and differences between the different life cycles.  

On Wednesday, the children explored the work of well-known naturalists and animal behaviourists; David Attenborough and Jane Goodall. They completed a double page spread, researching about their work, it’s impact, why it was so important and found about their main achievements.

Finally, on Thursday, the children looked at the stages from Adult to Old age. The children completed a spider diagram about the key changes and wrote some ‘Top Tips’ from staying healthy as you grow older.  

Important Information:

·      On Friday 3rd May 2024 – The children have an Arena Health and Well-being Day where they will be completing a variety of activities such as; Healthy eating orienteering, ultimate frisbee, dodgeball, capture the flag and Zumba! *Children to come into school in PE kits as usual*

Have a wonderful weekend,

Best Wishes,

The Year 5 Team


St Cleer Primary Academy   Forces, Fractions, Fiction & Fun!

Posted 25/04/2024
by Kimberley Appleby

Year 3/4a have been busy with their learning over the last two weeks; starting their new Learning Adventure on Henry VIII in History, exploring and investigating forces in Science and braving fierce dragons and sinister characters, such as Morgan Le Fay, in their writing on 'Myths and Legends' and 'King Arthur'. We enjoyed 'Hot-Seating' key characters.

Our term's Value of 'DETERMINATION' has turned our focus to presentation and handwriting where we've been thinking carefully about cursive joins and the consistent size of our letters within independent writing. Well done to all those who have been practising at home - SUPERSTARS!

Within Math, Year 3 have started their new topic on 'Mass and Capacity' and have worked hard at learning their KIRFS too as these have helped us with certain scales.
Year 4 are consolidating their understanding on fractions and are working hard at applying their knowledge of multiplication and division to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers. With the Multiplication Check nearly upon us, we're also working hard to have a quicker recall of our tables, improving our scores each day - Well Done!


Lanlivery Primary Academy   The Summer Term has started!

Posted 24/04/2024
by Lauren Howell

Visitor, Anglo Saxon finds and Sound 

We have started off the final term of the year. So far we have had a visit from the RNLI and Geevor mine. 

Clint from Geevor visited for the afternoon, this gave us the opportunity to revisit our learning from our local history work from last year. He told us all about the mine and the jobs of the men, women and children. We got to try on the clothes and imagine how life would have been. 

We are looking at the Anglo Saxons in our history lessons, and this week we dug up the artefacts that were found at Sutton Hoo. We discussed why these finds were so important and how it changed people's perceptions of the Anglo Saxon times.

We have started to learn about sound in science  and have investigated how the size of vibration affects the sound we hear. We have also learnt how we hear sounds. 

In PE we are starting to develop racket skills and are working on tennis. In PSHE we are focusing on relationships and started by talking about jealousy. 

We are also looking at how music fits within film and TV, coding in computing, sketching skills in art and doing the final prep for the year 6 SATS!

There are lots of exciting events coming up this term, so keep an eye out for updates! 


St Cleer Primary Academy  

Posted 24/04/2024
by Daisy Rowe

Super start back to Summer Term 1 

This term we are looking at all things farming. Where does our animals grow and thrive? Where does our food come from? Why is it important to back British farming? How has farming changed?
The terms book choice is 'Duck in a truck' and 'Farmer Duck'.

Duck in a Truck 

We started off our duck in the truck topic by discussing different modes of transport. Our first step was to brainstorm the different types we could think of, reception thought of loads: plane, train, car, van, horse, feet, bicycle and more.

We then talked about tally charts and how so many different things can be recorded through tally charts, reception know  one line marked, equals the number one and know that when you reach five you cross over the 4 tally marks.

We then Fred talked 4 different modes of transport: Car, Van, Bus and Tractor and headed out to the front of the school to start our tally charts. Reception kept their eyes peeled for their 4 different moving vehicles, they were so excited when they saw each one and they were predicting what would come next.

Their final tally charts looked neat and you could see reception really understood the concept. Final tally marks came to: car =6, Van = 2, Bus = 1, Tractor = 0. This was a great hook to start off our duck in the truck story.

Duchy Farm 

What better way to learn about the ins and outs of a farm than by visiting a working one! Duchy farm kindly welcomed us to their working farm grounds for the day.

We started off our visit by exploring their equine centre, Martin, our guide, explained how the horses are looked after, how you can work within the equine industry and all about their diets and the horse’s biology. They were very beautiful, some of our children showed a real gentle and calming presence when saying hello to them all.

Within this topic we are really exploring British farming- how it works and why it is so important. Martin was really excited to share about all the different roles you will find on a farm and how important they are to our country.

Once we had visited the equine centre we moved on to the guinea pigs, bunnies, chickens and ducks. The children loved getting up close and personal with these animals and found them very cute. The lady in this centre explained to the children how they look after these animals, including their diets, grooming and health checks, they all had really funny names also.

Moving on over to the exotic animals centre where the children met different species of frogs, snakes, bearded dragons, spiders, snails etc. These were a big hit, the children were very intrigued by all these animals, the frogs were adamant on escaping and jumping all over the children! One was called Kermit!

To top off a brilliant day the children got to have a tractor trailer ride around the remainders of the working farm. This is when they got to see the cows and sheep. The tractor ride was very fun but also very informative, we met different people along the way. One particular lady worked in the dairy part of the farm, she told us that they have nearly 250 cows on their farm, all of which produce 21 litres of milk a day that makes our cathedral city cheese and David stow milk! Exploring a career in farming is something Duchy Farm are really passionate about and this was evident in the friendly welcome and high-quality care of their animals.

Reception had the best time visiting Duchy Farm, I wonder whether any of them will become a farmer one day?

Forest School Team Work

Today in forest school we had a fantastic rope activity set up. The activity focused on balance and co-ordination along with teamwork and trust.

We started off by following the rope around and we were not allowed to let go, they had navigate through low parts and high parts. The next part that impressed us the most was when the children were in pairs and they had to give instructions to their partner who had their eyes closed, their communication skills with one another was great and they guided their partners well. 

They also tried walking backwards whilst trying not to let go of the rope. 

They worked really well as a team and enjoyed the activity. 


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